Scanning electron microscopes
At the IMM, scanning electron microscopes are operated in order to perform various tasks ranging from orientation determination via EBSD through to in-situ investigations of strained tensile samples. The IMM has a Zeiss LEO1530 FE-SEM with EBSD system, a JEOL JSM-6100 with a laser powered heating stage for investigations at high temperatures as well as a JEOL JSM-840 with a tensile/compression module available.
- microstructure characterization through EBSD
- high-resolution topography- and composition-shots
- in-situ EBSD at high temperatures (e.g. investigation of phase transformations)
- in-situ investigation of bi- and tri-crystals
- in-situ investigation of tensile samples during deformation
Technical data:
- Leo 1530: resolution 1nm at 20KV. SE-, QBSD- and EBSD-detector.
- JSM-6100: laser powered heating stage for up to T=1300°C and heating rate up to 30K/s. SE- and EBSD-detector. Effective resolution for EBSD at high temperatures ca. 1µm
- JSM-840: tensile/compression module with strain up to 500N. Sample heating up to T= 600°C. SE-detector. Resolution 12nm at 20KV.